uOttawa General Surgery | Chirurgie Générale


Social & Wellness

Eat when you can, sleep when you can…


 General surgery training, and a career in general surgery, is equally rewarding as it is challenging. Resident resilience is not just a personal burden, but a shared responsibility for our program and community.

In addition to taking our food, fun, and sleep very seriously, we have a number of initiatives to promote and maintain wellness within our program.

Annual Resident Retreat

Once a year, all general surgery residents have a protected full day for a social retreat for rest, relaxation, and bonding. Previous years activities have included:

  • The Nordik Spa

  • Private cottage & boat cruise

  • Archery Tag

  • White Water Rafting

  • Calypso Water Park

Mentorship Program

Each PGY year is paired with a staff mentor and meets every 1-2 months for a casual evening to discuss a non-clinical topic. The dinner is typically hosted a restaurant or staff’s home and are informally centered around a discussion topic:

  • Wellness & Burnout

  • Finances

  • Career Navigation

  • Making Mistakes

Annual Basketball & HOckey Tournament

The resident vs. staff basketball tournament and hockey tournaments some of the most highly anticipated events of the year. Be warned, the smack talk might follow you into the OR.

PROGRAM Review Retreat

The Chief and Junior Chief organize an annual resident-only retreat where all residents sit down to critically review program structure, rotations, and staff. Issues and suggestions for improvement are discussed and formally presented to the Program Director and Resident Program Committee for review. This venue has led to many program changes that have improved the resident-learner experience.

Annual Golf Day Tournament

The uOttawa General Surgery Golf tournament is currently in its 4th year of existence. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or avid player, you’ll enjoy this day in the sun with your co-residents (best-ball rules, of course).

Prioritizing Resilience

The uOttawa General Surgery Program takes resident wellness and resilience seriously. Post-call days, duty-work hours, and exceptional accommodations are given the highest priority. As well, we are working closely with the Department of Surgery to develop a series of programs to promote resident resilience, addressing topics including burnout, home & finances, career planning, crisis management, and peer support.