CARMS Profile - Dr. Shaheer Tadros


Where did you train?

What do you like about general surgery?

What is your sub-specialty?
Surgical oncology

What do you like about this program?
The staff relationships and resident involvement

What is your hope for this program?
To continue to train excellent surgeons and foster a positive and collaborative work environment

Do you have a special role in the residency program? What do you do?
I teach residents how to operate and be capable safe and compassionate surgeons. Oh, and I was a program director.

What do you like about training residents?
See good results and being motivated by their youth and enthusiasm

What is your favourite thing to teach?
How to make clinical decisions

What is the thing you're the most proud of in your professional life?
The patients I have helped and my small contribution as program director

What do you do outside of work?
Golf, gym, be with friends

Tell us something people should know about you?
I am getting older but have a youthful mind